Tag Archives: fear

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Einstein on Creativity

Quote by Publilius Syrus

Have no fear, keep learning, and practice, practice, practice!

What inspires you to create?

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Thoughtful Thursday – Here Comes The Rain Again

Snuggle Bunnies Rabbits In The Rain by lulufroot

Today is a cloudy, thunderstormy spring day in Texas. Minus the hail (and the occasional tornadoes) we get in May, I love the spring weather here. It’s not the depressingly cold rain we get in late fall and winter. It’s either cool and refreshing or warm, sticky, and humid. It’s the kind of rain you can dance around in comfortably, as long as you’re not worried about your hair or anything.

When I was little, Mom and I used to dance in the rain. It’s one cheap form of entertainment, let me tell ya. Do people do that kind of thing with their kids anymore? It’s one thing to reluctantly say,” Okay, you can go play in the rain … but be sure to take off your shoes before you come in the house. I don’t want you tracking mud all over my {insert expensive flooring or rug here.}” But do people actually grab their kids’ hands and run outside to enjoy the feeling of raindrops collecting on their eylashes?

I guess what I’m saying here is that, inevitably, you’re going to get wet. So, why not enjoy it? Why not make it memorable? I cherish the times Mom and I danced in the rain, or had water gun fights … come to think of it, lots of our activities involved water. – Tap water is cheap and rain water is free! – We got our hands dirty in the garden, we took wrong turns on purpose, we made things together (and still do.) I hope that I still approach life with the same hands-on, rather than hands up, attitude. I want to be the woman who harnesses the fearless spirit of a child. I never want to be afraid of the rain.

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